Knight of Wands

“Burn Through” oil on wood in upcycled frame - sold

Hey! Were you thinking why the heck is that dude riding a salamander? Are those butterflies on fire or are they morphing from fire? Well, here's the whole spiel (feel free to shortcut to just the photos;-)). Also- it's looking like he's already sold- riding off to a new home far away.

"Burn Through" oil on wood panel.

Salamanders can actually survive a short stint in the inferno of a fire. Our knight as well can deal with a bad, toxic situation, at least for a short time. He rushes in, embued with creative energy, to save the day! What a hero! But be careful, my battle ready friend. Your armor keeps you distant from those you love. Your fiery personality is invigorating but may flare up and piss off your family. Do what you're best at- holding all that creative fire energy, applying it to the situation, the painting, the relationship, transforming them into something beautiful, born of fire. Playing up the roll but believing in the roll so that others do as well.

Don't forget.

I knew there was some connection between monarchs and fire, but honestly I wasn't really thinking about that when I used this ancient symbol. Reading up on it just now, it turns out after a fire the monarchs perfect habitat grows, mostly milkweed, and their populations (which are at risk of extinction) soar in numbers. In Texas, where this painting will find its home, the Balcones Canyonlands perscribe regular burns to enhance monarch and other native pollinators habitats. Another crazy synchronicity!

I rode my trusty steed, my e-bike, to the art gallery. It was a present from my partner for my birthday and I plan to go on many adventures together- over the golden gate Bridge to spend the night in San Francisco, into the wine country for some tastings, day trips to art events in neighboring towns. Riding beside the creek i thought of the salamander symbol which I'd been researching. This little amphibian is an unlikely ancient icon used by kings, witches, and philosophers alike! No surprise as our colorful little friend would jump seemingly unscathed out of their campfires! In truth, the poor guy was just naping, minding his own business, when his cool wet decomposing log was tossed into an inferno. Thinking fast, if he sped out of the fire, his skin would produce a protective layer. It didn't last long. Contrary to old myth he is not fire-proof. Even Salamandra Salamandra, the fire salamander, is just a salamander. Though, if you eat him, he will kill you! I decided to name my new bike Sal....because.

I have been tossed into a couple fires recently, and like the knight of wands, I went in willingly, but got out of there fast!

“Burn Through” original sold


Ace of Cups


the Hermit